As our customer, we want you to always feel confident that you will receive new, fresh and unopened products. Therefore, we do not accept returns of tested or opened products. If your products and their packaging are completely unopened, you can return your purchase within 100 days.
We do not offer a shipping note for returns, you are responsible for the shipping cost. In the event of a return, you bear the risk of the goods and we recommend that you send the parcel in a traceable way. To make a return, pack your unopened order in new packaging.
Label the return clearly, including a note with your name, order number and email address. Then contact our customer service for the address to which you should return your return/complaint.
Refunds of received and approved returns will be made within 100 days, when we have handled your return, we will get back to you via email.
In the event of a complaint, you are welcome to contact our customer service. We ask you to attach clear pictures / video where we can see the defect you experience.
The right of complaint applies to defects that can be traced to the production of the product and thus does not apply to normal wear and tear or aging of the product.
We reserve the right to remedy the defect in the first instance, in the second instance re-delivery of the goods and in the last instance repurchase. Please note that we are not responsible for return shipping.
Cancellation policy
As a customer, you have the right to contact our customer service and cancel your purchase before the product has been shipped. However, we would like to inform you that when cancelling a purchase, we charge an administrative fee of 5% of the total purchase value.
This fee covers the costs we incur in connection with the transaction, including bank and payment provider fees.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
In the event of a dispute, we follow the decisions of the General Complaints Board.